Join us for this FREE event! There will be a variety of dog breeds and local rescue groups for you to learn more about. Demos on agility, hunting, tracking, and cart pulling for the kids. We just ask for this event you would leave your own fur-kids at home as we will have a Club house full of dogs for you to meet😀 
Our club house is located at the Old McDonald Farm building at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds.

If you are a dog related business interested in having a booth at our event please email Hollie at
Cost is $40

If you are a club member interested in educating the public about your breed, please email Hollie at
and we will get you booth, a booth space is free to our club members willing to show off their breeds for our event. If you do not have a dog that is great in public, but would still like to educate the public, just bring pictures to your booth and most breed club's will send you handouts to give out.